3P Engineering has won the award “Tecnologia e Innovazione 2018” (Technology and Innovation 2018) by “Giovani Imprenditori Confindustria Marche” as an innovative company that stands out for its research and industrial invention talent, with 31 patents registered in different markets (21 for its customers). Among the most innovative 3P Engineering projects and reason of the award received by Giovani Imprenditori Confindustria Marche, the M-Stekio technology that is going to revolutionize gas cooking market. Based on 8 industrial invention patents and over ten years of experience and research in gas technology, the project M-Stekio of 3P Engineering has been selected by the European Commission (GA n. 733513) for its innovative scope, in the Cosme Programme. From the innovative M-Stekio technology, Burnerway was born, as part of the 3P cooking project, which 3P Engineering is developing, to realize the technological and aesthetic progress.
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