Developed by 3P Engineering, the innovative project “E-FESTO” Extra-Flux stoichiomEtric gaS burner cookTOp”, has been chosen by “Regione Marche” for the REGIOSTARS Awards, “Smart Growth” category. A yearly competition organized by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy, it aims at identifying good practices in regional development and highlighting innovative, EU-funded projects, which could be attractive and inspiring to other regions and project managers. “Regione Marche” has contributed to the development of 3P Engineering new technology based on 8 patents, for energy-efficient burners for gas cooktops. The introduction on the market of this innovative gas burner will mark not only technological but also aesthetic progress compared to existing products. E-FESTO project was carried out by 3P Engineering (leader) with other companies and research organizations, including the “Università Politecnica delle Marche”. Find out more