3P Engineering is a key player of the new event organized by Bureau Veritas "EN ISO 15614-1 ED. 2017 QUALIFICATION OF WELDING PROCEDURES NEW AND DIFFERENCES COMPARED TO THE PREVIOUS EDITION", to be held on Wednesday, January 31 at 9:00 am, in Urbisaglia (MC), 3P Branch Office, specifically dedicated to the Oil & Gas. At the free seminar for all the operators involved in the production chain and using components, products, structures, tanks, pipes and other welded products, 3P participates with a session on the importance of Non Destructive Testing NDT not only in the welding world, pointing out the main types and advantages of NTDs. The EN ISO 9606-1 standard is the reference for the welder qualification test in the field of fusion welding of steels and thanks to its worldwide experience, Bureau Veritas wants to present to manufacturers, inspectors and welding coordinators as evaluate the new welding qualifications by analyzing the different variables, applying them and integrating them into the new standard.